Hashing-based data structures

Gregory Kucherov Gustave Eiffel University

Course Summary | About the lecturer | Location and schedule |

Course summary:


About the lecturer:

Gregory Kucherov is a CNRS research director in Gaspard Monge Lab for Computer Science (LIGM) in Gustave Eiffel University (until 2019, Paris-Est University) at Marne-la-Vallée, France. His research interests include algorithm design and engineering, algorithmic complexity, word combinatorics, data structures, sequence and graph algorithms with applications to bioinformatics and other big data applications. Gregory Kucherov (co)-authored about 50 journal publications and more than 50 conference papers. He regularly serves on program committees of international conferences, has been invited to present his work to various international events, has served as editor of LNCS volumes and journal special issues. He supervised several software projects in bioinformatics, including ProPhyle, mreps, Yass, or Norine. He has been a (co-)advisor of nine PhD students.