Open lectures for PhD students in computer science, organized at the University of Warsaw, is a project which aims at broadening the choice of courses by invited courses given by top researchers from all over the world. See here for more information about the project, and here for the list of past courses. Video recordings of some of the lectures can be found at our YouTube channel.

The courses planned in this semmester are listed below.

Fall 2023/24 Semester

  1. 17.10.-18.10.: Loris Marchal, ENS Lyon. Topic: Data aware algorithms
  2. 13.12.-15.12.: Paweł Gawrychowski, University of Wrocław. Topic: String algorithms in the Word RAM model

Spring 2023/24 Semester

  1. April 17-19: Filip Murlak, University of Warsaw. Topic: Graph Queries and Description Logics
  2. May 22-24: Gregory Kucherov, Gustave Eiffel University. Topic: Hashing-based data structures
  3. June 12-14: Pasquale Minervini, University of Edinburgh. Topic: Language Models and Neuro-Symbolic Learning