Algebraic theory of automata: historical perspective and new advances
Prof. Jean-Eric Pin
About the lecturer | Course Summary | Slides Part 1 Part 2
About the lecturer:
Jean-Eric Pin received his "These d'état" from the University Paris 6. He was a professor at Éole Polytechnique from 1992 to 2005, the director of LIAFA (Paris) from 2003 to 2008 and the Chair of the Research Networking Programme AutoMathA of the European Science Foundation from 2005 to 2010. He is currently director of research appointed by the CNRS and working at LIAFA, a Joint Research Unit supported by CNRS and University Paris Diderot.
His research focuses on the algebraic theory of automata and languages. In particular, he is interested in connections with semigroup theory, combinatorics, logic and topology. He is the author of two reference books in automata theory: Varieties of Formal Languages and the monograph Infinite Words, co-authored with D. Perrin.
Course summary: This course will present an historical perspective of the algebraic approach to automata theory, including recent connections with duality theory. Plan of the course:
- Some famous results and problems
- Eilenberg's variety theorem and its extensions
- Profinite topology and Reiterman's theorem
- Lattices of languages and their equational theories
- Examples and applications
- Future directions
Assignment Due: May 23.
Please send solutions to professor Jean-Eric Pin: Jean-Eric DOT Pin AT liafa DOT jussieu DOT fr