Database consistency: logic-based approaches


O wykładowcach | Streszczenie | Materiały dla studentów

O wykładowcach:
Jan Chomicki received his M.S. in computer science with honors from Warsaw University, Poland, and his Ph.D., also in computer science, from Rutgers University. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. He has held visiting positions at Hewlett-Packard Labs, European Community Research Center, Bellcore, and Lucent Bell Labs. He is the recipient of 5 National Science Foundation research grants, a Fulbright Faculty Fellow, the author of over 60 research publications, and an editor of ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Information Processing Letters, and Journal of Applied Logic. He has given over 50 invited talks in academia and industry, as well as 10 keynote addresses and tutorials at international database conferences. He was the General Co-Chair of the 2003 TIME-ICTL Symposium and the Program Co-Chair of TIME 2005. He has also served on over 40 program committees of international conferences and workshops (including SIGMOD, PODS, VLDB, ICDT, ICDE, and SSTD). He has co-edited two books: "Logics for Databases and Information Systems" (1998, Kluwer) and "Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases" (2003, Springer). His research addresses issues in logical foundations of databases, data integrity, and query languages.

Wenfei Fan is the Chair of Web Data Management in the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK. He is also a Research Scientist at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. Prior to his move to Edinburgh, he worked as a Member of Technical Staff (principal investigator) at Bell Laboratories, and before it, as a tenured Associate Professor at Temple University, USA. He was also an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University. Prof. Fan was the recipient of a Career Award from NSF, US, and the recipient of an Outstanding Overseas Young Scholar Award from NSF, China. Prof. Fan's research interests include database theory and systems. His work has consistently been published in all major database theory and system conferences (SIGMOD, PODS, VLDB, ICDT, ICDE) and has been invited to the leading computer science journals including JACM, JCSS, TOCL, TCS. He has served on the programme committees for the most prestigious database conferences: SIGMOD, PODS, VLDB, ICDT and ICDE. His work has also led to 12 patents filed in the US.

Streszczenie: This course will cover selected research topics dealing with database consistency. First, we will review classical results and techniques in dependency theory and reexamine them in the light of new applications in data exchange. Second, we will discuss methods for obtaining reliable information from inconsistent databases through repairing and consistent query answering. Third, we will introduce a new notion of conditional dependency and demonstrate how it can be used in data cleaning. Finally, we will examine how classical dependency theory needs to be revised to apply to XML databases. Throughout the course the emphasis will be on formal, logic-based approaches, and their computational properties.